„Seeds in the kitchen” cook book written by Ildiko Bezselics

All food design and most of all tableware pieces are made by me. It was a very creative project where I could discover my new part.
POLLINATE collection

I love colors. When I paint I just try to listen to my heart and soul and combining the colors with random and conscious brush work.

Porcelain coffee pot and cups with changeable „scarfs”.
Porcelain Dinner set

Double walled porcelain dishes. All photos taken by Vivenne Balla.
„FUND” coffee set

Handmade ceramic coffee set with sugarbowl.
C.O.G. Porcelain breakfast set

Porcelain breakfast set with hint of masculinity.
Chess figurines

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TEDDY vases

Porcelain „TEDDY” vases can be one of the funniest part of your home.
„O&C” porcelain rings for HIM and HER

Porcelain rings for him and her. All photos are taken by Milan Toth.
„HOMINIS” handpainted plate collection

„HOMINIS” is a plate collection with different details of men’s body. The background colors are pink, green, blue, yellow and white the patterns are black.